Exposing Corruption, Promoting Freedom

Our lives have been corrupted by the death of local newspapers. This news source, The Utah Investigator, is intended to be a prototype for a new sort of news source, a free online media operation that you can read, watch, or listen to, that covers a single political area, keeping watch on our local governments, the giant corporations that trade here, and the scoundrels who show up to take advantage of the good people of Utah.

We will initially offer free advertising for ethical local businesses who are serving their customers with integrity. In the long term, we will support ourselves with paid advertising. This is a family scale media operation, as we anticipate not having any employees, but to include material from our friends and neighbors as they are willing to contribute.

Our investigations will report the good, the bad, and the ugly. Hopefully much more good than anything else, but, in the great tradition of independent journalism, our headlines stories may often focus on the corruption as it is uncovered. 

My name is Tom Tomeny and I’ve never run a media operation before, though I have been successful in many other enterprises. My experience in Utah with our governments has been awful, so my stories may be the initial stories. My extended family is also full of such stories, and perhaps yours is also. We hope you will be willing to share your stories as well.

My experiences have motivated me to run for Governor of Utah this year as an Unaffiliated Candidate, and I will be on the ballot in November, currently with no expectation of winning.  My campaign is to show the world that we can get money and parties out of politics as we Vote the Jesus Way.

Our First Story, that I would have titled, Is Governor Cox a Sociopath? Watch or listen to this video from Eric Moutsos.

This story was literally a  miracle! As I sat down to write and record it, this video, doing exactly as I  would have done,  appeared in my  X  feed!

This site is owned by Y Love, Inc. whose principal is Tom (Treyeshua) Tomeny. Contact me at 214-228-6519 or ttomeny@gmail.com.